It's official. I Jennifer Greyed it. I carried a watermelon.
Today marks 40 weeks. Our baby's official due date. And with an induction on the books for one week out (our original due date: November 17th), ready or not, the countdown is REALLY in the single digits now. This is happening. While I still am not mentally ready for labor, or even parenting a newborn probably, I am very ready to be done being pregnant and to start focusing on our new little one (instead of corporate work, prep for their arrival, and all the other nonsense) and our newly expanded family.
So, here's the d-date feels:
- Here's hoping d-date becomes b-day! Today I have been bumping the birthday jammers and telling this bump that TODAY could be their birthday, but they can't celebrate while still inside, they need to come out! My husband was due on his due date - only about 5% of babies are - so we'll see. Still have time.
- Quit scaring new moms. We're good enough at scaring ourselves, thanks. Disclaimer: I have absolutely been guilty of not saying the right things to my pregnant friends/family - something I only realize now, having been the preggers one, and wish I'd have been more thoughtful about before. That said, you know what a woman who is about to go into labor any time DOESN'T love to hear? Not limited to:
- "You think you're tired now, JUST WAIT until xyz..."
- "Oh labor is terrible, here's all the horrible things that happened to me, my cousin, some woman I read about on the internet."
- "ALL first time moms go WAY over their due date and have GIANT babies."*
- "You look HUGE."
- I still don't know nothing about birthin' no babies. People keep asking what I'll need, or what I plan to do for x or y, and most of the time, I just don't have straight answers. I won't know what kind of support I need until I'm like, in it. And even then I may not. This is actually my first rodeo. I cannot say in advance what condition I'll be in (if I need a C-section or have a horrible labor vs. if everything goes smoothly), or how our little one will be (maybe they'll be colicky or totally chill, or maybe something will be amiss and they'll need extra care). I'm not sure how that fourth trimester is going to go (if I'll have awful PPD, or struggles with breastfeeding, etc.). I'm lucky that I have a supportive and loving partner, and that we likewise have supportive immediate family who will be around to help, and that I have a lot of mom friends to ask questions of - but this is new territory, so, we're just going to navigate it as best as we can and play it by ear. PLEASE don't take offense when I don't know how to communicate during this time.
- Waiting is hard, and yet easy? I'm not trying a bunch of crazy old wives' methods to try and induce labor here. I'm just carrying on like normal. My body and this baby know what they need to do, and they'll do it when it's time - else, will medically intervene in a week. For now, as they will. Assuming all is well in there, this baby must have a reason to not be out yet, so, I'll be here when it's ready. I can't say I'm thrilled about waiting, but, it just is what it is.
- I'm still mad about the pandemic. And how our moms and siblings and friends won't be able to come to the hospital and be there after this new life joins us. I've long since accepted that that just is what it is, but I'm still just so mad about it, and always will be. Get vaccinated, please.
- It's still so strange. That at any time, our lives WILL be completely changing. That the quiet of us sitting and watching GBBO with a few little belly bump kicks of disruption will soon be us with another person. That I grew that person and carried it around for nine months. That when our baby is delivered and taken away by the hospital staff to be cleaned and examined, it will be the farthest away from me that that baby has EVER been, and it will spend the rest of its life going on adventure far away from the womb that it shared with me.
My husband will be dad, and I will be mom. And it's all VERY exciting and VERY scary. And I just hope it all goes well. We'll know at some point in the next week. So keep those fingers crossed.
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They say it's your due date? |
*A few notes on this particular comment, which I get at least once a day:
- Statistically speaking it's just not true (about 60% give birth before their due date - though some stats vary), and they also don't let women go too far past their due dates anymore - overall, d-dates aren't a perfect science
- I currently have at least 6 friends due AFTER me who have ALL already given birth.
- Both our older first-born siblings were premie babies.
- Every fucking pregnancy is different, don't tell me how mine is going to be, thanks.
- Cool, thanks for wishing a large baby on my vagina, that's definitely what I want to hear.
** I had a million other thoughts when I decided to type this up but... I don't remember. My brain is mush. Love you all just the same. Go team.