Mercifully, the winter months are fairly unscheduled and not crazy packed. This is my hibernation period to prep for my psychotic social butterflying of the warm months. So, what does a lazy winter weekend look like?
Another day of crushing it in the office. And by crushing it, I mean, I hadn't gone grocery shopping in a week (we're trying to eat down our freezer) and refused to let myself go out for lunch (#walrus) so ended up eating the handful of Cocoa Puffs I found in my drawer, and almost an entire bag of jelly beans. Beyond food choices, it was end of quarter prep and frantic Friday scurrying to hit month end budgets. You know, the exciting life of a digital product manager.
Post work, dashed home and tried on approximately thirty outfits while the beau gave helpful feedback like "You look pretty" and "Your butt looks nice." And off we went to his mom's boyfriend's retirement party. Luckily, at his mom's retirement shindig, I'd insisted on making friends with all the fabulous female lawyers, so while the beau was getting showed off by his ma, I had some boss ladies to wine and dine with.
As the evening progressed, I also decided to join up for the March for Our Lives the next day. Upon returning home, I went to the closet with my rally poster tagboard, markers, and stencils. And I sighed a great sigh that protests are so commonplace. And then I got to work.
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Retirement celebrations and getting out the soapbox. |
Since the beau was working, I rose with the sun and went to mall walk with my sister. Yes, we're basically 95 years old, and no, I don't care. After getting in five miles and a shit ton of chitchat, I sped my way back downtown and straight to the march. I intercepted the beau's ma and her friend and we worked our way to the starting point. There, we heard empowered young voices, eloquently demanding change. It was inspiring and terribly sad. I hope that by the time I have children, they won't have to be the protesters of tomorrow. I hope the world will quit sucking by then... I've always been a bit of an optimist.
So, per usual, if there's something to be angry about, and a chance to throw my voice into the hurling masses, count me in. I have opinions and love a peaceful protest. Thus, we marched. And just as we were about to hit the end of the march route, I gave some hugs and made a mad dash back to my car. I was already running late for brunch.
Brunch was a fabulous birthday celebration with some more powerhouse women in my life. Many cocktails, much merriment. Several incidents of flying potatoes and random egg sputtering about. Laughs were had by all. By the time one o'clock rolled around, I had already put on seven miles and my heart had grown three sizes (much like the Grinch, only, like, it had started out pretty full already).
With a few hours before the beau's return, I quickly finished up rewatching West World. (Since I really don't watch TV unless we're both watching something, and he hates rewatching things, it takes weeks for me to wrap things up, so this had been a month-long undertaking.) When he got home, it was long run day (as he preps for his next half marathon, leading up to the NYC Marathon this fall), so I cleaned, worked out, and cooked up dinner. We watched an episode of The Office while we ate (working our way slowly through the series, which I've never seen) and I retired early to go read my book for book club. (You'll Grow Out of It by Jessi Klein - aka my inner monologue published under someone else's name.)
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Gun control, portion control, all the things. |
Since I can't really sleep in anymore (thanks, daily 7am meetings for work), the day started with laundry at dawn. While waiting, I prepped tablescapes for Passover Seder, wrote a few letters, read, and updated our trip itinerary doc. Trip prep has been a big theme lately, even though we're a couple months out. We've got flights, hotels, and rental cars booked. I've got Copenhagen pretty well laid out, and a long list of stops for the Faroe Islands, now we just need to plot the best plan to see everything efficiently.
After the beau was up and laundry was folded, we walked to a nearby microbrewery and grabbed breakfast burgers. It's member appreciation month for the Film Club we're in, so we snagged a discount, which was nice. Then it was on to grocery shopping, and a venture out to the suburbs for hiking boot shopping (again, trip prep). As the afternoon approached, I settled in for a nap and the beau hit up the streets for another run.
I awoke sweaty and hangry, a deadly combo. The radiators had been blasting us all day, and with my stomach in revolt, I viciously chomped the heads off of animal crackers for an hour, while watching a documentary about amphetamines and America's ongoing prescription drug problem. (You know, something light.) Then it was back to the to-do list and exercise, while the beau tapped into the latest Jessica Jones.
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Reading by the morning light; burgers for life. |
And here I am, writing up this blog post as the weekend comes to a close. A nice chill weekend, with a fair amount of productivity, and I'm happy as a clam. Usually by this point in the winter, I'm a total mess of anxiety, and am borderline depressed, scratching at the walls to be free and living my best summer-social-life. But, oddly enough, right now, I'm just plain content. A little hanger, and some crankiness from time to time, sure. All in all though, the weather is decent, my taxes are done (with limited struggle), we have a vacation looming, and really, spring is almost sprung. So, cheers to only a few more weeks of chill weekends. Summer scramble, we're fucking coming for ya! *game face, on!*
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