For the past five years, I've been in my "big girl" apartment, all by myself, living some version of the dream. Some of it was real swell, and I'll really miss it. But other parts of it were just plain awful and exhausting. Trust me, I'm all about being the independent woman, and I kind of rock at it, but at the same time, I'm kind of relieved to have a "person." Someone to share the load (Samwise Gamgee, anyone?) with.
There were plenty of times living alone where another person would've come in handy:
- When I needed help zipping up / buttoning a dress. We all know the hanger method, and we risk life and limb to look good, but it's a real pain.
- The times when I was sick and had no one to take care of me, so I just moped around being melodramatic. Being sick alone is like, the frickin' worst.
- Opening jars. Sure, I have a rubber husband (that's what my ma calls those gripper things - get your head out of the gutter) and am stubborn as hell, but seriously. I've actually thrown away a jar because I couldn't get it open and was frustrated.
- Speakkkking of frustration. Pictures for this blog. All the contortion moves to get my elbow out of view (only to end up out of focus). All those hours taking countless photos to get just one to turn out okay-ish. An assisted selfie would've been welcomed.
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Hey, Elvis, you'll spot me while I hang upside down to get this pic, right? Thanks, buddy! |
And there are also plenty of reasons why living with my number one bang will be swell:
- He comes with Netflix. And Amazon Prime. And Hulu Plus. And all the streaming things. I'm not saying that's the only reason we're moving in together. But I'm just saying it sure doesn't hurt...
- Food. He's a dang good cook - and has a Kitchen-aid! Plus, this way we'll have one fully stocked kitchen with which to prepare food, instead of the slippery slope that is the, "Oh, I didn't know you were coming over, so I only have vodka in my fridge... how about we just go out to eat?" For reference: see the ten pounds of "love weight" I gained the first year we dated (and have mercifully worked off).
- Logistics. Finally no more back and forth. No more calling in cars for overnight parking (or forgetting to and panicking at 4 am before being like, "Screw it, I'll pay the ticket"). No more "your place or mine?" No more "shit, I forgot to grab my sunglasses / shoes / pills / life, we have to go back to my place." Hours of our lives will be saved by not having to coordinate this nonsense. AND I won't have to sound like such a pathological mama bear by following every goodbye with, "Text me when you get home safe."
- Speaking of me being the walrus and logistics.... I started writing this post the other day and came back to just that starter line. I have literally NO clue where I was going with that, but I'm fascinated to find out some day. Huzzah open-ended thought!
- Insta-booty call! Right? That's a thing?? At least, I don't think I'll have to wait and text him (across the room) at 3 am. And if I did, what if he didn't answer? And I like saw him look down at his phone and make a sigh noise like, "UGH, not this bitch again, it's late, closed for business"?! Gah! ...I don't know, this is all new territory.
- One set of things! No longer will I need two sets of makeup, two toothbrushes, two gym bags, two phone chargers. No more! It will all be in one place, just, with doubles of everything for awhile. But one place!
- No choking and being eaten by wild dogs! We all remember that episode of Sex and the City where Miranda starts choking to death, alone in her apartment. It scared me so bad that I ate nothing but ice cream for almost a year, just so I wouldn't accidentally die alone (or, well, that was my excuse anyways). And, as Bridget Jones so gracefully put it, living alone always comes with a risk of eventually dying, fat and alone, and being found three weeks later half-eaten by wild dogs. I'm hoping that both these scenarios can finally be avoided, just by having a live-in.
- He often treats me with the terrified kindness with which one would treat a pregnant woman. I pout for chocolate and an hour later he's like, "I got you some chocolate." And I'm like, "Wait, you left to get chocolate? When?" (pouting can cause a total disconnect from reality, as can a lack of chocolate) AKA he's the sweetest and treats me well - it'll be nice spending more time with my swell fella.
- He balances my otherwise total chaos and high strung-ness. He's like the Mac to my Cheese. The Robin to my Batman. (Yes, I get to be Batman, I have a stronger chin.)
- The whole paranoia thing will hopefully be better. Because A) if I hear a noise in the other room, I can just assume it's him and not a serial killer and B) if that noise occurs in the other room when he is with me, I can send him to go see what it is, while I cling to the knife I hide under the bed and perch behind the door, ready to spring... so, well, okay, maybe the paranoia will actually be more dangerous than ever in this scenario, when I accidentally stab my beau. But maybe not! Maybe he'll just protect me and we'll be fiiiiiine... (Your Honor, I'd like to have this blog post stricken from any manslaughter investigations)
- Bloggin' beaus. Since we both blog, we can sit at our little kitchen table and write on our respective laptops. And I can be like, "Pass the sugar, babe." And he'll be all like, "But you're not drinking any coffee." And I'll be like, "I know..." It'll be BRILLIANT!
In less than a week, we'll have the keys. It really is the point of no return. But luckily, that's okay, because as much as I totally loved living alone, I know living together is going to be even better... Or definitely better than being eaten by wild dogs, that's for sure! I'll set the bar there, and we'll work on stretch goals later.*
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Steppin' into some unknown territory here! Putting our best foot(s) forward. |
Click here for Part Three: In which I build a rockwall.
*Seriously though, it's going to be fantastic. Don't let my snark fool you.
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