Thursday, January 14, 2016

Resolutely Yours

Why hello there, 2016! Fancy seeing you here. You sure snuck up on us all! Barely got used to writing the "15" on my dates, and here you are to screw that all up again (luckily the 5 and 6 are an easy to correct - thanks, similar looking numbers!).

While 2015 sure was a hoot, 2016 is already shaping up to be one heck of a 365. To keep grounded during all the shenanigans, I decided to resolve a few things. Be resolute. Let my resoluteness abound. Not like, make resolutions, but you know... basically make resolutions. We all know once you attach the word "resolution," it's over. So really, I just decided to take some things I've been meaning to do and put them in list form. Because I don't trust anything that's not in list form (thanks, Buzzfeed, you've ruined my life).

In case you're looking for some resolve of your own, or just are curious, here's the list that will intertwine itself into my daily 2016 doings. You all have permission to obnoxiously hold me accountable now, and I have permission to say, "What list?" come May if I haven't held true to any off it. As is the American way.
  1. Tidy Up: Life is never spotless, but I'm making a point to clean up my place each night before bed (dishes, putting things away, etc.). That way, when the serial killer that's been lurking in the shadows my whole life finally strikes, and Derek Morgan comes to my apartment to investigate, he'll look around and think, "Wow, this girl really had her shit together. It's too bad she's dead now because we'd have been perfect together." (And then he rips off his mourning.) 
  2. Hydrate: Not just drinking more water - that's a given. I may as well live in a desert for the amount of water I consume. It's a constant struggle to pick H20 over my other favorite awful forms of "hydration" (Dew, it's you). But besides that, I need to moisturize better, too. My face/neck regime is solid (thanks, Grandma!), but winter in the WI takes a toll. Let's face it, underneath our clothes are entire bodies are covered in scales. Bridget Jones let the cat out of the bag there. It's time to spend the two minutes and $2 it takes to put lotion on my legs/arms/everything else once in a while, like an adult.
  3. Jam It: Love me some good jams, so decided to put a few new radio stations into my rotation. New music keeps life light and dance moves fresh. My sister gave me the precious gift of a shower radio, and currently it only gets two stations: church and local alternative. I've opted for the latter. My hippie rubber ducks approve.
  4. Rubber ducks love dancing
    Shower companions, jammin' it up.
  5. Get in Touch: Being blessed with a wide array of wonderful friends and family, it's time to stay in touch better. Yes, that means scheduling phone calls sometimes, and spending a week trying to work out timing conflicts, but it's important. Blanket apologies on any previous neglect; cocktails soon (but, for reals this time).
  6. Square One on the Noms: Time to quit hoarding food like a squirrel. I'm working on eating up all my food stuffs so I can start fresh and maybe just a wee bit healthier. (No, I'm not just going to throw it away! Y'all know I hate to waste - especially when it comes to food! I'm taking one for the team and eating it til it's gone.)
  7. Get Out of Dodge: Boy, my passport sure needs renewing. Finally upgrading to a photo without braces and glasses - huzzah! Also, need to pick out adventure number three for the year. With Key West in February and Colorado in September, there is an awful six month gap there that is distinctly lacking in trips. Simply unacceptable. 
  8. Be the Mermaid, Run the Race: Speaking of Key West, this gal has to pull off a swimsuit in a few short weeks. Much dread, many workouts. Besides that motivation, this spring/summer, I have re-upped my commitment to doing a 5k with the beau. It didn't work out so well last spring, but this time I'm determined not to let him down. Eye of the frickin' tiger and whatnot.
  9. Shine On: Must revisit the positive attitude of old. Have lost it a smidge, so it's time to get that shine back. No one likes a Debbie Downer, cranky bee.
  10. Life Skills: Get some. Like knitting. The end times could strike at any moment. What will you contribute to the post-apocalyptic nomadic herd? If you don't have something better than a keen eye for a good Instagram pic, they'll kick you to the curb. Time to revisit old abilities that have gotten rusty maybe - like building a fire and shooting a gun. Or knitting. Seriously, I really keep meaning to learn that one.
  11. To Blog or Not to Blog: Speaking of life skills. Story telling is totally one. If I'm going to keep on this though, it's time to get a domain and maybe switch to another platform (any advice on that one is much appreciated). And get back into the writing rhythm. Else maybe this lil guy should take a hiatus. Decision to be made soon.
  12. Streamline: Time to pare down some of my knick-knack, bric-a-brac, beloved little trinkets. I've always wanted my living space to contain enough objects that, should a guest be present and I need to step away for a minute, they would be able to occupy/entertain themselves. Case in point, my elephants. 80% of visitors know what I mean. Because trinkets are my favorite. But, there's that fine line between happy and hoarder. New year, fresh start! 
Starting out on the right foot is important, the left will trip ya up!
Starting off on the right foot... certainly not the LEFT one!

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